Data Attribution
The app uses many data sources
GeoNames Database (offline as appd.gpkg and 9 feature class vector tiles):
NGA Foreign GeoNames Data
USGS Domestic GNIS GeoNames Data
(GeoNames data has been enriched with Elevation from MapZen AWS
What3Words, PlusCodes/OpenLocationCode, GARS Grid Cell and for USA MGRS)
OpenMapTiles.com OpenStreetMap Vector Tiles, Contour Lines, Hillshade, Satellite Imagery
MP3 Audio processing from Google Text to Speech Engine
Vector Overlays:
International Boundaries – official from the US Dept of State http://geonode.state.gov/layers/geonode%3AGlobal_LSIB_Polygons_Detailed
GARS Grids – NGA US Government
MGRS Grids – NGA US Government
GADM – Admin Boundaries – http://gadm.org – opensource
US State Boundaries – Census Bureau US Government
TimeZones – Natural Earth Data – OpenSource
Urban Area – Natural Earth Data – OpenSource
ALL OVERLAYS are Hosted at Tech Maven Geospatial’s high performance Tile Server serving vector tiles