GeoNames Map Explorer iOS app
Premier mapping app for maintaining your situational awareness and getting around in a new unfamiliar location or in a foreign country.
It uses NGA’s Foreign GeoNames & USGS Domestic GeoNames databases (POI Points of Interest) set up in a highly optimized fashion for display on the map and searching. The app supports Audio Playback Pronunciations of this data.
Geo Request API Now include Five Sources
Usgs Gnis
Nga Geonames
Osm Poi
Overture Maps Places
Foursquare Poi
Online And Offline Spatial Searching
About GeoNames Map Explorer
This app is NOT affiliated with the U.S. Government
The app was originally designed and sold exclusively to US Government personnel via the NGA GEOINT App Store and now is publically available.
We developed this app based on vendor opportunity packages (GeoNames, GeoCognizant, Talking Map, and several others) as well as many conversations and feedback from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and members of the US Dept. of Defense and other Government Agencies.
We are building custom white-labeled versions of this app as well as selling the source code. Contact us to learn more.The app works immediately after install with internet access and works offline by downloading an area of interest first. The map, search, and audio playback work with data on Tech Maven Geospatial’s server.
Advanced SearchLoad Your Own Map DataDownloading Area Of Interest Offline DataOperate offline disconnected
Load Your Own Map data
Users can view offline mapping data in the following formats:
GeoJSON & GPKG vector features Vector Data and Attributes
Raster Tiles and Vector Tiles in MBTILES and GPKG
raster tiles must be in Spherical Web Mercator EPSG: 3857
a vector data converter exists to convert other formats
Advanced Search
GeoNames data is displayed by Feature Class and users can decide what feature classes to show.
The GeoNames Display field is used to control the scaling/zoom levels of the data.
Advanced GeoNames Search and Spatial Search (constrain your queries to a certain geographic area)
The app works equally well either Online connected to internet mapping services and API’s and
Tile Servers or in a D-DIL Environment with offline mapping data and database
What is GeoNames?
The US Government (NGA – Foreign GeoNames GNS and USGS – BGN Domestic GNIS) produces the GeoNames data that includes Place Names, point of interest features, and geographic features.
This database has over 18 Million points!
Tech Maven Geospatial processes this data and optimizes it for use on mobile devices with our advanced search API and tile server and makes it available for use offline for custom area of interest. We update this data monthly.
We divide up the data into nine categories:
Populated Places
Locality Area
Streets Highways Roads Railroads
Hysography – Land features
Hydrographic – Water features
In your industry:
Attribute Table Grid with Search 

Select GPKG Layers 

Table Icon 

Downloading Area of Interest offline Data
Required data is automatically downloaded
User Loaded Data Mbtiles Vector TilesOSM-Overpass APIGeoJSON and GPKG vector featuresAttribute Grid with SearchFile Manager – Cloud IntegrationWifi ShareView Office Docs
Mbtiles Vector Tiles
Users can upload mbtiles vector tiles using the device data option, and can style fill color , and change fill opacity and labels respectively.
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OSM-Overpass API
Users can search in an area of POI (Points of Interest) and amenities within a geographic area they specify. First pick the top level category and then the sub category/type (example: Ammenity Bank or ATM)
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GeoJSON and GPKG vector features
Users can load vector gpkg on map and can change style and labels of respective vector layers .And they can also see attributes/ properties in tabular attribute grid/table
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Attribute Grid with Search
Users can zoom specific layer and can see attributes in tabular form
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File Manager – Cloud Integration
You can import files (Documents & images) from your directory & clouds(DropBox,Box.Net).
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Wifi Share
Share Files with devices on the same Wifi network and even allow uploading of files to the iphone/ipad.
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View Office Docs & Image/Photos
App supports file viewer. Users can easily view and sort out all your Office documents (word, powerpoint, excel),including PDFs and images using File Manager.
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Geolocation is enabled you will see your blue pin location on the map.The app includes a GeoLocation Widget (can be turned off in settings) this widget supports both geolocation and map center point.
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GeoNames Data
GeoNames Data from the US Government (NGA Foreign Geonames & USGS Domestic Geonames)We update the data regularly and build optimized offline capable format and load it into our custom database & API.
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Coordinate Converter
Geo Location Setting
3D Buildings
Display GARS Grid
Area offline
Search in an area of Points of
Interest and Amenitie OSM OverPass API
Satellite Imagery Basemap
Satellite Imagery Basemap in OSM Styles
Offline Geonames
Offline Geonames & Search
Geonames Data that Merged with Overture Maps Places and OSM POI
It’s Available in our Georequest Area of interest API and Online Search API
Please evaluate GeoNames Map Explorer iOS at no obligation we offer a fully unlocked seven day trial. We welcome your feedback
Please note: This Website, our data API, our downloading service, and the iOS app are not affiliated with the U.S. Government (NGA or USGS).
GeoNames Map Explorer is no longer available on the GEOINT App Store. It’s only available on Apple App Store.

GeoNames Map Explorer is proudly built by Tech Maven Geospatial, LLC
We would love to hear about your feature requests